So you might have had a great Virtual Machine which has your development environment or maybe a specific build environment. You think the time has come now to free this VM and give its own dedicated hardware. Or even none of the above is true, you want to do it because you can :) You will have to go do what is called as v2p (Virtual to Physical) migration. So let's just think about what exactly we are trying to do. We have Virtual Machine running inside a VirtualBox which has its own virtual hard disk. The converting a virtual machine to a physical machine is mainly about changing this virtual machine operating system boot from a physical real hard disk than virtual hard disk on which it was running when inside VirtualBox. VirtualBox comes with one hidden command under its hood, convettoraw! This can be used in the following manner, VBoxMange internal commands converttoraw your.vdi your.raw So now you have a raw image of your VM (pleaes note that if you have a V...